As education workers, it is your responsibility to be aware of the current political climate and the looming fight to defend not only our right to collective bargaining but also the quality of our education system.
Erika Shaker tells us, “The best, and I would argue only option—if our goal is not just to brace for impact, but to demand long-term improvements to the provincial education system—is massive and sustained mobilization.” She explains that,“alliances need to be forged with other groups whose support undercuts the government’s narrative instead of reinforcing it. These alliances must be ready, well in advance, for picket lines, work to rule, preemptive back-to-work legislation and whatever else the government might throw at our teachers (educators) after the start of bargaining.”
Take time to read the article below written by Erika Shaker to understand why mobilizing and the formation of alliances will be so significant in the coming months.
Frontlines of the Class