Schedule “A” – September 1, 2020
We are all looking for answers to many questions surrounding the re opening of schools this September.
Below you will find the re opening document and the information released by the province regarding outbreak management.
There has been a lot of information coming out lately, and these may be a couple of things you want to read before September 1 when everyone will be involved in planning for the school year. There have already been some changes to the plan since it was released earlier in August.
Arrive at work prepared with your willingness to learn, your creative ideas and your questions. Remember, even though we are used to returning to school, this is the first time we have dealt with a re opening under the current circumstances. There will be many changes and many differences and we must approach the year with a new perspective.
LDCSB Safe Return to School Plan
Summary at a glance of above document-Return to School
School Outbreak Management Operational Document
Is the government finally starting to realize what it will take to re open schools safely? Education should have always been properly funded.
Read the announcement and Laura Walton’s response below:
Minister Letter – Parent Guidance
Read the statement from Laura Walton, President of the Ontario School Board Council of Unions, regarding the education minister’s announcement about reopening schools in September.
OSBCU Statement Regarding School Reopening
Please continue to check this site and your emails for further actions regarding safe return to school.
The OSBCU will also be using the hashtag and slogan –
Safe Schools Depend on CUPE #safeschoolsdependoncupe
In a very disappointing vote yesterday, the OMERS Sponsors Corp voted to eliminate guaranteed indexing in favour of Shared Risk Indexing. This decision will affect any credited service accumulated after December 2022. Read more in a letter from Fred Hahn. Dear OMERS Plan members
Defend Guaranteed Indexing in Your Pension Indexing
For the third time in 4 years, OMERS is trying to take away guaranteed indexing, an important benefit that protects our pensions from inflation when we retire.
They call their proposal to cut guaranteed indexing “Shared Risk Indexing” but fail to mention it is only workers and retirees, like us, sharing the risk. This proposal, if passed, will actually benefit employers by shifting risk from employers to workers and retirees. To find out more about the proposal and why you should send OMERS a message if you haven’t already, read the Fact Sheet below.
For more information and new ways to defend our pension, visit the following links:
Webinar on Shared Risk Indexing Click here
Call OMERS directly – they need to hear from plan members Click here
Send a Message to Keep Guaranteed Indexing in Our Plan Click here
Visit the link below for answers to questions you may have about the CERB such as eligibility and what you need to apply.
Read information below from the Education Worker Benefit Trust regarding our benefit plan.