As soon as you are informed that you have exceeded the Attendance Threshold, notify Irene or Patty right away. You can request to have Union representation with you at the meeting.
Get the information and support you need before meeting with your supervisor.
Report, Report, Report – It Is Your Right and Obligation!
Check out the following link for more information about your right to be safe at work and your obligation to report incidents.
Complete and Incident Report, print your copy, fax your copy (after your supervisor signs it), keep your copy. When you are hit, pinched, kicked etc by a student, report it as Occupational Violence. Call the office for assistance or questions.
CUPE New Brunswick on Educational Assistants being Assaulted at Work
Just another good reason to complete Incident Reports and notify the Union of what is happening in your workplace.
Benefits – EWBT (Education Workers’ Benefit Trust) Information
CUPE Education Workers will now be transitioning to province-wide benefits (EWBT) on March 1, 2018. A significant number of Boards have not yet provided final required data to OTIP, our new plan administrator. Visit the link below for more information. Important details regarding the plan, including instructions for enrollment, will be sent to you after January 8, 2018. Updates will be posted as they become available, so check our website on a regular basis. You can register to receive updates as well!
Information for members thinking about retiring in the near future: CUPE_Bulletin-23Nov2017
Reporting Incidents in the Workplace
Check out the following link for more information about your right to be safe at work and your obligation to report incidents.
Memorandum of Agreement
The following Memorandum of Agreement was ratified on September 9, 2017 by the members of CUPE 4186 in attendance at the ratification meeting. Please read carefully, as there have been a few changes made to the original trial period document.
Sept 2017 Working Group – Memorandum of Agreement
Video from Ontario School Board Co-ordinating Committee
Check out the video made from activites of our Ontario School Board Co-ordinating Committee