Our own Deb Popovic, Librarian at Sir Arthur Carty, has spoken out with OSBCU about the need for a wage increase for Education Workers.
Way to go, Deb!
Our own Deb Popovic, Librarian at Sir Arthur Carty, has spoken out with OSBCU about the need for a wage increase for Education Workers.
Way to go, Deb!
For your information, I have attached an FAQ regarding employer vaccine policies.
The following pay schedule will be in effect September 1st: Schedule A – Effective September 1, 2021
One report does not begin to answer the questions members have about the long-term performance of our pension plan.
Read more: CUPE continues to demand an independent review …
It has been a long and challenging year for CUPE workers in Ontario. Watch the video to see a summary of the challenges and some of the successes for CUPE workers this past year.
Public Services Save Lives – 2021 CUPE Ontario Convention Video
Read the CUPE Education Worker Benefit Trust May Newsletter: CUPE EWBT May Newsletter_
CUPE Ontario has released a comprehensive and third party verified report detailing the long-term underperformance of investments at the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) pension plan. Investment returns are a critical part of funding the pensions of front-line workers. We know defined benefit pension plans are the best and most efficient way for workers to make those invest and secure their income in retirement.
Read more and send a letter to OMERS today!
OMERS has been trying to convince plan members that our guaranteed indexing is the problem when it is more likely the failure to properly invest the plan members’ money.
As the largest representative of workers in the plan, CUPE is calling on OMERS to cooperate fully with an independent and transparent review of its investment performance conducted by Sponsors like CUPE and other unions representing plan members. To join us in that request, take part in the Phone Zap Action today: Phone_Zap
Important information about the potential effect of permanent remote learning on the education system in Ontario.
Is the government of Ontario investing in education? Read more to find out why they just aren’t doing enough to support student learning and safety in the schools. CUPE education workers need the government to step up!
Media_Release-CUPE-OSBCU-Funding for Ontario schools still shortchanges students