OMERS – Defend Guaranteed Indexing Today

Defend Guaranteed Indexing in Your Pension Indexing

For the third time in 4 years, OMERS is trying to take away guaranteed indexing, an important benefit that protects our pensions from inflation when we retire.

They call their proposal to cut guaranteed indexing “Shared Risk Indexing” but fail to mention it is only workers and retirees, like us, sharing the risk. This proposal, if passed, will actually benefit employers by shifting risk from employers to workers and retirees. To find out more about the proposal and why you should send OMERS a message if you haven’t already, read the Fact Sheet below.

Mythbuster Fact Sheet

For more information and new ways to defend our pension, visit the following links:

Webinar on Shared Risk Indexing  Click here

Call OMERS directly – they need to hear from plan members  Click here

Send a Message to Keep Guaranteed Indexing in Our Plan  Click here