EWBT Benefit Information Bulletins

Reasonable and Customary Limits:      CUPE_Bulletin_April 2018 

Transitioning to the New Plan:              CUPE_Bulletin March 2018

Registering for the Plan:                        CUPE_Bulletin  February 2018

Understanding Your New Plan:            CUPE_Bulletin January 2018

Plan Enrollment:                                     CUPE_Bulletin January 9, 2018

Your Questions/Your Answers:             CUPE_Bulletin December 2017

Benefit Information for NHA and ESSS Members

If you work in the role of Noon Hour Assistant or Elementary School Student Supervisor, you will be offered the opportunity to enroll for the new EWBT Benefits Plan. Information regarding the plan and enrollment should be arriving at your home address in approximately three (3) weeks.  From the time you receive the invitation to enroll, you will have 31 days to complete the enrollment, if you are interested.  It is important to note that benefit coverage premium costs are determined by the provider according to the number of hours you are regularly scheduled to work as a permanent employee. The cost for someone working a ten hour work week is fifty percent (50%) of the premium while the cost increases to one hundred percent (100%) of the premium for those scheduled to work fewer than 10 hours per week. Please wait for your information package to arrive and check back to the website for updates.


Report, Report, Report – It Is Your Right and Obligation!

Check out the following link for more information about your right to be safe at work and your obligation to report incidents.

Complete and Incident Report, print your copy, fax your copy (after your supervisor signs it), keep your copy.  When you are hit, pinched, kicked etc by a student, report it as Occupational Violence.  Call the office for assistance or questions.
