Work Locations Needed:
Violence Campaign
Work Locations Needed:
Happy Holidays from the Executive of CUPE 4186!
May you enjoy the comfort of family and friends this holiday season.
Please make sure that you are filling out the incident reports on eBase every time there is an incident/escalation with a student that you support. The QR code forms are not a replacement for the incident forms. They only go to the behaviour team. I know that it feels like filling them out doesn’t do anything, but if you are not filling them out, the Health and Safety Committee don’t know there is a problem.
If you do a work refusal, they look at all the incident report forms that are filled out for that school. If there aren’t any forms, they don’t see a problem.
I am attaching a pdf on how to fill out the forms. Many thanks to a past member of the Health and Safety Committee for making it up. If you are getting hit, threatened, items thrown at you, etc. – that is workplace violence – even if they miss. The intent/threat is there.
Our first GMM of the 2024-2025 school year will be held on September 21, 2024 at 9:30.
We had previously given notice that it would be strictly in person due to the need for a secure vote for Trustee. We have since contracted Motion Meetings on the recommendation of CUPE National and now have a secure voting/meeting platform. The September meeting can now be held in a hybrid fashion.
As before, a link will be sent out the day before, but now, that link will be for each individual. This will allow for secure voting and security. Only those who received the individualized link will be able to enter the meeting and vote. We will only see results, not who votes.
I hope to see you then,
The 2022-2026 Collective Agreement has been signed and is now available to view under Member Resources.
I would like to thank all members of the Bargaining Committee for their hard work.
The Workers’ Day of Mourning was created by CUPE members more than 40 years ago to remember those who lost their lives on the job and to inspire workers to fight to prevent further tragedies. For more information, please visit: