Retro Pay Letter – Email from Board

Hi Folks,
Last Friday – February 28th – the board sent out a email to everyone that included a letter with the amounts of your retro payment broken down by tax year. The subject line of the email was “THIS IS A TEST”. On Saturday, they sent out an email explaining that the subject line was a mistake. Many of you may have thought this could be one of the IT email tests that they send out and may have deleted it. The totals on the letters did not always match the totals on the retro payment pay stub. Please check your letter. They have told me that they will be looking at the letters and sending them out again. Hopefully in the next few days.
Once correct, these letters can be used to fill out the T1198 when you do your taxes to have these amounts calculated at the tax rates for those years. If you find that the total on your letter does not match the total on your retro pay stub, please let me know. Once you get the letter a second time, please make sure that the numbers match those on your retro pay stub. If there are any recalculations that need to take place on your retro pay, that money will be included on the 2025 tax year T4.
Please make sure that you keep the letters in case of an audit.
In Solidarity,

CUPE Union Education is looking for Member Facilitators

The CUPE Union Education department is now actively recruiting Member Facilitators for confirmed weeklong training scheduled for August 10 – 15, 2025.  Member facilitators are a vital part of CUPE’s education program, providing a wide variety of workshops to members around the province.


We’re looking for applicants who:

  • Have experience in their local – on the Executive, as a steward, on a committee, or as an activist
  • Are comfortable speaking in front of groups
  • Are pro-CUPE and represent CUPE’s values
  • Represent CUPE’s diversity – gender, racialized, Black, Indigenous, differently abled, 2SLGBTQI+, and young workers
  • Come from different areas of the province and work in different sectors
  • Have been a participant in a CUPE workshop
  • Are open to learning new things and new ways of doing things

The deadline to apply is March 4, 2025. Those interested can fill out the PDF fillable application form attached and send to Cidália Ribeiro at

Form Application Member Facilitator EN 2025 02 05


Thank you in advance for your help with this important work.

Flyer MF Recruitment EN 2025 02 05

Steward Commmittee

CUPE Local 4186 Members,

The Stewards’ Committee is excited to announce that we are looking for more stewards to join the committee! If you are passionate about representing your fellow members and advocating for workplace fairness, please submit your name by January 24, 2025, at 4:00 PM to Patty Kleber, Grievance Officer, at


In solidarity,

The Stewards’ Committee

Violence Campaign

Our Local, in collaboration with  other  CUPE Education Worker locals in our region and CUPE National, is launching a crucial campaign. Our goal? To raise awareness among employers, trustees, and our community that violence in the workplace has no place in our jobs.
Violence in schools is on the rise, and CUPE 4186 members are saying enough, workplace violence is not part of our job. We all deserve a safe workplace, free from violence, and it’s time for our voices to be heard. This campaign is vital for every CUPE member at the London District Catholic School Board.
To make this campaign a success, we need your support. We’re looking for one CUPE member at each school to help kickstart this initiative. Your role will be to collect signatures for a petition to show violence is not part of our workplace, and action is needed NOW!
This petition will be presented to our employer and trustees to demonstrate our collective commitment to ending workplace violence.
If you’re willing to be the school contact for these petitions, please email us at:  Include your name and the school you work at.

Work Locations Needed:
Breck Ave
Catholic Education Centre
Holy Cross Secondary – Strathroy
Holy Family – London
Holy Family French Immersion-Woodstock
Holy Rosary
Monsignor Morrison
Mother Teresa
Notre Dame
Our Lady Immaculate
Our Lady of Lourdes
Regina Mundi
Sacred Heart – Parkhill
Saint Andre Bessette
St. Anne’s – St. Thomas
St. Anthony French Immersion
St. Charles
St. David
St. Francis
St. George
St. Joseph’s Elementary – Tillsonburg
St. John French Immersion
St. Jude – London
St. Jude’s – Ingersoll
St. Kateri
St. Marguerite d’ Youville
St. Mark
St. Martin
St. Mary’s – West Lorne
St. Michael
St. Michael’s
St. Nicholas
St. Patrick Adult and Continuing Ed
St. Patrick’s – Woodstock
St. Paul
St. Pius X
St. Sebastian
St. Theresa
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas More
 In solidarity,

Incident Reports

Please make sure that you are filling out the incident reports on eBase every time there is an incident/escalation with a student that you support.  The QR code forms are not a replacement for the incident forms. They only go to the behaviour team. I know that it feels like filling them out doesn’t do anything, but if you are not filling them out, the Health and Safety Committee don’t know there is a problem.

If you do a work refusal, they look at all the incident report forms that are filled out for that school. If there aren’t any forms, they don’t see a problem.

I am attaching a pdf on how to fill out the forms.  Many thanks to a past member of the Health and Safety Committee for making it up. If you are getting hit, threatened, items thrown at you, etc. – that is workplace violence – even if they miss. The intent/threat is there.

How to Fill out an incident form.